I Couldn't Stand!

By the end of 2015 it would be fair to say that I had reached a new low with respect to my health. While I never had washboard abs, my stomach had never entered a room before the rest of me, as mine did now. There were places I could go below that - and they would all involve hospitals.The hours on my couch had exacted their toll.

My high school friend Sita, whom I ran into after a gap of many years used diplomatic language but basically told me that I was a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen. I could not stand for more than 5 minutes - I needed to lean or sit down. Despite the complete lack of physical activity, I felt tired all the time. My arms, legs and torso joined my shoulders and neck. I was in pain all the time, and popping ibuprofen just to be able to function. My family continued trying to motivate me to lead a more healthy lifestyle. My niece posted photos of my young skinny self on the refrigerator door.

But my couch represented comfort, the only thing I had control over and my couch and I both started experiencing increased depression.

I would occasionally come out of my fog and decide to pursue some lifestyle improvement activity. On one such trip, prodded on by family, I decided to vacation at a wellness retreat. I looked for places near and far. And finally settled upon Ayurvedagram.

Ayurveda gram was actually very close to my home.So I took a ride over and checked the place out. They offered a complete package inclusive of stay at a facility just outside Whitefield, Bangalore. Since it was so close to home I opted for a 3-week package. If there was an emergency at home, I could zip right over.

I was very excited. This seemed like  the perfect place to start the process of taking back my life.  I expected to return from Ayurvedagram energized and cured and a few kilos lighter. Delighted by my decision the family came out in full force to support me.


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