Increasing Your Water Consumption - How To
Build a plan for how you will get there –
e.g. I was drinking less than a liter a day. Getting from 1 liter to 3 liters is neither easy nor automatic. I decided that
I would increase my consumption by 250ml each week. At that rate if all went
well it would take me atleast 2 months to get to my end state. Its taken a
little longer, and there are still days on which I miss the mark. But I am now
drinking way more water than I was before and am getting a lot closer to the
end state.
Yes there will be more trips to the bathroom –
As you increase your water consumption,
you will find you need to pee more frequently. Stay with it. Your body is
probably as dry as a brand new sponge. As it receives more water, it will build
up its capacity to retain water.
Schedule how water consumption will be distributed
through the day – For many reasons you need to spread this
consumption throughout the day. You simply cannot drink a liter at one go. My
plan is to drink a liter before I eat anything. It takes me about an hour. I
drink another liter between breakfast and lunch. I still struggle with the last
liter because I eat well at both breakfast and lunch. I’ve deliberately planned
for most of the consumption earlier in the day, because I have enough issues
with my sleep to add one more challenge to it.
How Will You Know how much
you’ve consumed – Earmark atleast 2 500 ml bottles for yourself. These
are yours and no one else drinks from them. You don’t drink from any other
source. Fill them up only when they are completely empty.