Increasing Your Water Consumption - How To
· Figure out the amount of water you should be drinking – my end state target is 3 liters / day. This is what my nutritionist recommends for me based on my state of health. Its also a good target for people without any major medical conditions based on most internet sources. Yours may be different based on your medical condition. e.g. my mother who has a heart condition is allowed only 1/2 liter of fluids per day. Her heart and kidneys cannot handle more than that amount of fluid. Check with your doctor · Build a plan for how you will get there – e.g. I was drinking less than a liter a day. Getting from 1 liter to 3 liters is neither easy nor automatic. I decided that I would increase my consumption by 250ml each week. At that rate if all went well it would take me atleast 2 months to get to my end state. Its taken a little longer, and there are still days on which I miss the...